Pulot Enti (Glutinous Rice with A Sweet Coconut Topping)

Pulot Enti

Pulot Enti (Glutinous rice with a sweet coconut topping) is one of our favourite Nonya kueh.  The glutinous rice is steamed with coconut milk and has a firm texture and slightly salty.  It goes really well with the sweet aromatic finely shredded coconut that has been sweetened with gula Melaka (coconut sugar). The glutinous rice is sometimes topped with kaya (coconut egg jam).

Most Asian groceries will stock gula Melaka - it's made from coconut palm and dark brown in colour.  Each packet contains 2 blocks (tube shape).  It has a strong coconut fragrance and is frequently used in preparation of Nonya kueh.

My rice cooker uses steam to cook the rice, so I thought using this to steam the pulot (glutinous rice with coconut milk) will also do the trick. After the rice cooker had turned off, I fluffed up the rice using a spoon and steam the pulot for a second time.  It turned out really well and took half the time of the usual steaming method.

VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/ZWBbxhjzc0o?si=MIqeTBANEzpcUYmE

Pulot (Glutinous Rice)


  • 1 ½ cups glutinous rice (washed & drained)

  • 1 ½ cups coconut milk

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 2 drops of blue food colouring


(traditional steaming method if you don't have a rice cooker that has a steaming function)

1. Put glutinous rice, coconut milk and salt in a container with a well fitting cover.  (If you don’t have one, use a pyrex container, cover with aluminium foil & secure with rubber band).

2. Stir well, cover and place in steamer for 1 hour (water in the saucepan should reach 1/4 way up the container).

3. After an hour, stir the rice.

4. Add the blue colouring to the pulot and stir to mix with half the pulot.  Cover the container and continue to steam for another 10 minutes.

Note: you could also use a rice cooker to steam the glutinous rice mixture. Leave it to steam for 2 cooking rounds to ensure the pulot is fully cooked, fluffy and not soggy. Stir after the first round.

5. Let the rice cool down.  Compress the rice.  You could use a spatula or the back of a spoon.  Alternatively, put a piece of cling film on top of the rice and press down with your palm.

6. Remove the compressed rice from the container and use a plastic knife to cut into small squares.

Enti (Sweet Coconut Topping)


  • 3/4 cups desiccated coconut (FINE desiccated coconut preferred, if available. If only shredded coconut available, put it through grinder for a finely shredded texture)

  • 1/2 cup gula Melaka syrup

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 2 dessertspoons white sugar


1. To make syrup, boil 2 blocks of gula Melaka in 2 cups of water.  When it is quite thick, strain through sieve.  Use as required, keeping what is left over in the fridge for other recipes.

2. Add dessicated coconut, sugar and water to the gula Melaka syrup.

3. Bring to the boil, then simmer over low flame. Stir constantly until a thick consistency is reached. It should be fairly dry.

4. To serve, place a spoonful of enti on top of each square of pulot. You could substitute enti with kaya.


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